Mini Camp (ages 7-9)
Designed specifically for first time campers, Mini camp is a great introduction to camping for our youngest adventurers. Mini camp allows children ages 7-9 the opportunity to experience a taste of organized summer resident camping with the positive encouragement of our watchful staff.
During the 3 night/4 day program, Mini Campers will participate in many of the activities generally offered in the regular summer camp program; i.e. swimming, arts and crafts, archery, nature, etc. However, due to the length of stay and physical abilities of the campers, our program is designed to allow them to try as much of camp as they can rather than develop skill progression.
Youth Camp (ages 8-13)
Youth Camp focuses on developing strong, independent, moral leaders through youth programming designed to promote both spiritual and personal growth. While campers enjoy an array of activities like archery, high ropes*, kayaking*, or sailing*, they are achieving confidence, perseverance, and independence. In their cabins, kids learn the value of community living, friendship, and responsibility. Cabin overnights, character study, the Honors Program, and evening programs are a few more ways campers get a chance to interact with their peers, create memories, and reflect on their own character. (*certain ages and swim levels apply)
Trekker Camp (ages 13-16)
Trekker Camp follows much of our traditional Youth Camp experience of skills, friendship, fond memories, and character development with a few more special events. Trekker campers will choose and participate in three skills a day such as sailing, kayaking, nature, land sports, etc. However, they also have a time set aside daily for the Trekkers to enjoy supervised socialization time called Trekker Time, as well as every Thursday, they have the Trekker-only picnic. Many of our Trekkers will advance to our Leadership programs in subsequent years.
Leaders in Training (ages 15-16)
The Leaders in Training program, or LIT for short, is a part of the Leadership Development Program at Camp Edwards. The LITs spend two weeks living in Runge Lodge and spend one night on a camp out at a nearby state park. We recommend for campers to go through the LIT program before the JL (Junior Leader) Program, because skills built in the LIT program will benefit them greatly. Those who are 15-16 are eligible to enter into the program.
The Leaders In Training Program is the first program in the Leadership Development Programs, here at Camp Edwards. The goal of the Leader in Training program is to craft leaders with the characters and virtues that have been stressed through the honors system at Camp Edwards. The Leaders in Training will be given the resources to learn patience, empathy & respect, stress management, communication skills, responsibility and how to be proactive, the overall goal of the program being leadership. By the end of the two weeks, we hope that you all will be able to take those leadership skills back into your communities and use them as future leaders at Camp Edwards.
Although the main focus of the LIT program is training participants to be leaders, we also want to stress fun and interaction with other campers as well! Besides team building and other leadership related activities, there will be time to test leadership skills with other campers around camp.
Junior Leaders (ages 16-17)
The JLs, or Junior Leaders, is open to campers who are 16-17 years old. The JL program takes the leadership lessons learned in LIT to help develop the camper into a prospective staff member. JL’s learn camp operation by working with younger campers. They have the opportunity to take on a bigger leadership role during their camp session, spending one week shadowing cabin leaders and will achieve a greater sense of “team” with their JL family.
JLs are evaluated on their performance and are encouraged to keep their leadership skills sharp through multiple volunteer opportunities throughout the rest of the year. Once completed, the camper becomes an eligible candidate for employment the following summer. While JL is not required to become a staff member, the experience gained in the program provides them an inside track on our camp operation and expectations.
Adventure Trip (ages 12-17)
Our adventure trips are an awesome opportunity for repeat campers to get a different Camp Edwards experience or for your outdoorsy camper to have a more adventurous week. While on the trip we still keep to our honors traditions and work on our goals while also being in a brand-new setting. During the trip the campers will have an opportunity to do an overnight paddle on the Wisconsin river, where they will spend a night sleeping on a sandbar. They will be able to climb on real rock face at Devil’s Lake State Park through a climbing outfitter that helps us out each year. Lastly, they will have an opportunity to spend a few hours at one of the water parks in the Dells. These are unique experiences that the campers would otherwise not be able to receive during their week at main camp. The staff that go on the trips are ready and prepared for the adventures that await your camper.
There is a limited amount of space for these trips and a minimum of 4 campers must sign up for us to offer this opportunity. There is a maximum of 12 campers per trip.